Students: Learn with GeoGebra Math Practice

Our new tool GeoGebra Math Practice is the perfect add-on for your homework and exam preparation. Get accurate help when your teacher is not available and practice solving algebraic problems on your laptop, tablet, or smartphone.


Check the following sections and the provided videos to see how you can use GeoGebra Math Practice for mastering your problem solving skills:

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How do I get started?

Learning how to interact with the dynamic notation

Use our guided tutorials to learn the basic concepts and functions of GeoGebra Math Practice.


Solving different math problems

Open GeoGebra Math Practice  in your browser. There are two ways how to select or enter a math problem:

1️⃣ Simply enter the problem you want to practice in the math input field and click Practice

Hint: You can use the virtual keyboard to write more complex math

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2️⃣ Select one of the displayed problems and practice the respective topic with randomized examples

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How do I solve a problem?

Once you entered the problem to solve, you will see the interactive, dynamic interface using the Graspable Math notation:

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You can now solve the problem step-by-step by using gestures or the virtual keyboard:

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Learn the features of GeoGebra Math Practice and how to interact with Graspable Math in this guided tutorial.

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How do I get help?

Do you need help on how to solve your specific problem?

Use our hint and help functionalities:


👉 If you're stuck and you don't know what to do in order to get to the next step, you can use the Hint button. It will give you a math explanation and a visual hint on what you should do next

👉 If you see a bouncing math symbol, try clicking on it. If you see a bouncing math symbol and a blue box, try dragging the symbol into the box.

👉 If the hints don't give you the needed information, you can use the Next Step button. It reveals the target state for the next step. (Note: This option is only available after you already received the hint)

 👉 You can use the pencil icon to edit the math directly.


Do you want to undo your work or start over?


👉 You can use the Undo button in the active area to undo your last step.

👉 You can use the Reset button to start again from the beginning.


Do you need help on how to interact with Graspable Math?

👉 Check our guided tutorials and learn how to use Graspable Math, its gestures and explore other possibilities to solve your algebraic problem step-by-step.

👉 Look at the official Graspable Math tutorials to get more help and insights. Dive deeper into the possibilities Graspable Math is offering.

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How do I continue?

If you select one of the pre-defined problems in GeoGebra Math Practice, you have the option to get a set of similar problems to solve. After you complete one problem, you can use the Next button to load a similar problem and continue your practice.

Once you are familiar with a type of problem, try adjusting  the difficulty level using the level picker on top of the page:

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Master solving different types of linear equations, or simplifying algebraic expressions and polynomials with this adaptive functionality.


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